Bay Day would not be possible without key partnerships. This year we are celebrating our first title sponsor: IBM Bay Area!
Last week, we took our restoration work on the road, bringing thousands of seedlings to IBM’s Silicon Valley Lab for transplanting. More than 150 IBM engineers, designers and software developers volunteered to transplant 5,400 Marsh Gumplant and Alkali Heath seedlings that will be planted into the marsh this winter.
IBMers, proudly dressed in bright yellow Bay Day tees, gathered in the Lab’s plaza ready to get their hands dirty. They hauled buckets, packed soil and meticulously transferred tiny seedlings into individual containers to continue growing throughout the summer. Save The Bay restoration specialists led workshops to teach IBM staff about the state of environmental preservation in San Francisco Bay and the value of wetlands in our region.
IBMers have a long history of caring for the environment that surrounds their campuses. From employee-run annual nest monitoring and bird counting activities to bioblitzes that help identify and record the variety of species around the Lab, IBM employees have remained passionate and committed caretakers of the natural world that frames their campus in the South Bay.
Save The Bay is proud to work with regional leaders like IBM to deliver positive solutions that help the Bay adapt and thrive in the face of climate change.
We are excited to continue our partnership with IBM this year as the official Bay Champion title sponsor for Bay Day 2019. Together, we’ll work toward our shared goal: to preserve and protect the beautiful San Francisco Bay.